Machine Learning and Clean Data
A great article in The Economist on the potential of machine learning and the importance of “clean” inputs or signals.
A great article in The Economist on the potential of machine learning and the importance of “clean” inputs or signals.
Business continuity is as important today as it ever was. This white paper, while written a few years ago is as important as ever with the advances in digital technologies.
A great article in Wired, “Computers Are Learning to Read—But They’re Still Not So Smart,” on natural language processing (NLP) that describes how NLP is done and what advances are being made. The bottom line is that we’ve made significant strides with NLP, but we have a long way to go.
RPA success depends upon a number of factors. Failure can be avoided if you take to heart the advice provided in this issue of All Things Digital.
There are many reasons that projects fail including poor collaboration between users and IT, inflexible or slow processes, lack of integration with new and existing technologies, and lack of properly skilled teams. Our latest installment of All Things Digital details these and other project management problems plus learned advice on how to achieve project management success.
We’ve seen projects fail when:
Business ownership of the project is required to align authority and responsibility. The business owner, working with IT, has the responsibility to ensure the success of the project by controlling scope creep, demanding qualified resources, and providing funding. She has the authority to control these external elements, not IT.
Second, we often find projects led by people without the training, skills, and experience necessary for success. Too frequently we find a weak administrator at the helm and not a project manager with experience in planning, executing, monitoring and controlling projects, plus:
An external Project Assessment can be helpful whether you are in the middle of a troubled project or just at the beginning. We’ve assessed, managed, and turned around hundreds of complex projects. Please let us know if we can be of assistance.
Auto-Trage – A new sourcing trend has emerged that leverages automation technology. See how you can benefit and what this means to you in this white paper.
A thought provoking interview in Wired regarding our future with automation – with Erik Brynjolfsson of the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy.
There is much discussion about scaling and accelerating the automation journey. This All Things Digital post titled, “Accelerating the Automation Journey,” describes what you can to to accelerating automation in your company.
We see that Intelligent Automation offers the potential of 30%-40% productivity increases in highly repetitive manual processes. IA can help you do more with the staff you already have.
Until now, automating manual processes required the time and effort of valuable systems analysts and programmers who were also needed on high priority, mission-critical and compliance efforts. Automating manual tasks simply got out-prioritized. Now with IA, manual task automation can be done independently by business people themselves. You can learn more about IA from our new White Paper, “Doing More with Less with Intelligent Automation.”
Our global supply chain is fraught with challenges. This All Things Digital post titled, “Security Risks and Exposures,” highlights those risks.