Tag: Security

“COVID-19 Has Been a Phisherman’s Friend”

A recent article in The Economist titled, “Policing the Wild West,” details a number of cybersecurity challenges. With the widespread actions of nation actors, proportional responses and the avoidance of civilian impacts need to be evaluated in the context of the existing laws of war. Inconsistent and fractured global and government cybersecurity policies and programs only complicate the matter. What is needed are clear norms of acceptable behavior and consequences for failing to meet those norms.

How Secure Are We?

In a recent development, semiconductor fabrication may be making a comeback in the United States according to this article in the Wall Street Journal. The chart above confirms concerns reported in the article about the high concentration of chip manufacturing suppliers in Asia. This is a example of the risks associated with our technology supply chain – highlighted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. A few years ago I published an article on the subject titled, “Security Risks and Exposures”. The article is as pertinent today as it was when it was first published.